With dsSearchAgent, Diverse Solutions has revolutionized the technology and interface that buyers can use to search for properties in an IDX solution. Sold as an individual product that any agent or broker can place on their website, dsSearchAgent allows visitors to that website to search for properties in an intuitive fashion. Rather than try to describe it to you, you can check out our example at the bottom of this page.
In addition to our IDX program's incredibly effective and impressive searching system on the front-end, dsSearchAgent's administration area allows agents and brokers to fully customize their IDX to do what they need it to do. Not only can real estate professionals turn on an off any module in each property's details area in an instant, but they also can change the map starting point, configure how their search sliders work, add their agent or office IDs so that their listings are automatically highlighted on the map, change all of the colors for their IDX solution, and set the point at which visitors are required to register to go any further.
The administration area also allows agents and brokers to transparently track anyone who registers on their IDX. Stored for each visitor is all of their contact information, the number of searches they made, the areas they searched in, the price ranges they searched in, the average price, beds, baths, and size of the properties they clicked on, and really just about anything else a real estate professional needs to do their job. dsSearchAgent's admin area even allows agents and brokers to search for their visitors within a certain price range and / or looking within a specific area!
With so much more to offer that we haven't even touched on yet, we encourage you to check out our IDX solution page. With power agents and brokers across the country already on board, and with the flexibility and ease-of-use of dsSearchAgent, can you afford not to have it available for your website visitors? Contact us today, and be the first agent or broker in your area with dsSearchAgent!
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Diverse Solutions
Office: (877) 348 - 7654
Home: (877) 348 - 7654
Cell: (877) 348 - 7654